Yemeni Entrepreneurship Engineering:
From Ideas to Businesses

Over the past few years, the German-Yemeni Engineers Association (DJIV) has focused on building and developing the capacity of Yemeni engineers. Thanks to the funds received from the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), DJIV has successfully implemented the ITEP and C-Base projects on the ground in Yemen. These projects have helped many young Yemeni engineers acquire knowledge and develop their skills in order to join the labor market. DJIV's efforts of enabling engineers is not limited to those based in Yemen, but extends also to those residing in Germany. These are the main target group of its technical meetings (DTMs). The 5th DJIV Technical Meeting (DTM 2024), scheduled for May 18-19, 2024 in Berlin, will primarily aim to explore the challenges and opportunities of entrepreneurship for Yemeni engineers across boarders. The two-day event will include the following sections:

  1. An ITEP Workshop, showing the project's impact on the young engineers establishing or developing their careers and businesses in Yemen.
  2. A keynote lecture on Entrepreneurship Engineering held by Mr. Gordon Gemein, a business startup consultant from Deutsche Gründungsberatung, focusing on the key phases of developing an idea into a real business.
  3. Four invited Yemeni entrepreneurs and consultants will share their knowledge and processional experience in starting their own startups in the EU and Yemen.
  4. An intensive Entrepreneurship Workshop on the basics of entrepreneurship, where the participants will gain knowledge on how to turn their ideas into startups. The number of participants is limited and mostly dedicated for DJIV's members only.

Invited Speakers

Business Startup Consultant
Deutsche Gründungsberatung

Shadi Alhakimi

Founder & CEO

Arzaq Al-Najjar

Founder & CEO
Mocha Valley

Ebrahim Ghallab

Founder & CEO
Ghallab Technology / GTG Industry

Yousef Al-Mahaqeri

Business Consultant & Coach

Celine Hopster

Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ)

Rami Al-Ariqi

Vocational Training & Labor Market Advisor
German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ)
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